Alprozyme-Equipment Cleaner-Powder
B2B Sales
AlproZyme is Alkaline-enzymatic cleaning granulate for Pre-cleaning and Pre-disinfection .
1-Useable in soaking bath, in ultrasonic devices and washer disinfectors.
2-For the cleaning and pre-disinfection of medical and dental instruments, rotating precision instruments and endoscopes.
3-Alkaline – Enzymatic dual-action ( Cleaning and disinfection )
4-Powerful removal of protein and tissues.
5-Biofilm Removal
6-Non Foaming , so it is designed as a pre-autoclave or pre-automated system cleaner .
7-Non Corrosive , so it is safe on all materials
Formula Features of Alprozyme :
1-Powder Granules
Activated when diluted by hot water unlike Other solution forms that quickly become inactive because enzymes eat each others in the solution forms .
2-Alkaline PH
Alkaline PH good for soil decontamination , Alprozyme powder actively working even in alkaline ph due to the specific formula .
3-Enzymes are waxed ( Coated ) :
To avoid enzymes eating each others because enzymes are protein in nature .
Alprozyme Powder Efficacy :
Alprozyme has exceptional efficacy. Provides high staff protection (TRBA 250),
1-Cleaning (at .5% Concentration ) : one sachet + 2 litre hot water .
Removes proteins ,fat, residues of tissues as well as biofilms in addition other debris .
2-Virucidal (at 1 % Concentration ) : one sachet + 1 litre hot water .
virucidal according to EN 16777 against non-enveloped adeno, Noro and Parvo-viruses as well as all enveloped blood-borne viruses e. g. HBV, HCV, HIV and Influenza at 1 % concentration before comprehensive disinfection.
Contact time:
- 15 – 30 minutes in soaking bath (20 – 30°C)
- 5 – 15 minutes in ultrasonic cleaner (20 – 40°C)
- Maximum contact time: 60 minutes
Alprozyme Equipment cleaner package Details :
Pack of 100 sachets – 10 Gram Powder scahet |
The Product is CE Marked and manufactured under technical collaboration with Alpro Medical GMBH, Germany.
- Description
- Institutional Order (B2B)
- Presentation
- Video
- Formula specific features
- Application
- Composition
- Efficacy
- Product Documents
- Characteristics
AlproZyme Powder is an Equipment cleaner for both Pre-cleaning and Pre-disinfection before final sterilization .
Highly effective Enzymatic cleaner .
Alkaline – Enzymatic dual-action ( Cleaning and disinfection )
For enzymatic cleaning in soaking baths, ultrasonic devices and thermal washers.
Remove blood and protein from rotating precision instruments and endoscopes as well as other medical equipments .
What is AlproZyme Equipment Cleaner ?
Alprozyme Ultrasonic Instrument and Equipment Cleaner is a state of the art enzymatic cleaner for medical and dental instrument .
Alprozyme Equipment Cleaner Granules has DUAL -ACTION :
Its alkaline not neutral versus other enzymatic cleaners in the market ,so its used for pre-cleaning and pre-disinfection .
Formula Features Alprozyme Equipment Cleaner:
FIRST : Powder Granules Equipment Cleaner .
Activated when diluted by hot water unlike Other solution forms that quickly become inactive because enzymes eat each others in the solution forms finally becoming not effective for the cleaning process .
Second : Alkaline PH :
Alkaline PH good for soil decontamination and Alprozyme powder actively working even in alkaline ph due to the specific formula .
Finally : Enzymes are waxed ( Coated ) :
To avoid enzymes eating each others because enzymes are protein in nature .
Alprozyme Equipment Cleaner used for :
It is Used for medical and dental instruments including rotary instruments and endoscopes, furthermore It Offers exceptional staff and patient protection.
Field of application
Cleaning granulate for the intensive pre-cleaning and pre-disinfection in soaking bath, ultrasonic systems, washers and washer disinfectors for the removal of proteins, residues of tissues as well as biofilm , from General dental and medical instruments (diagnostic, preserving and surgical instruments e.g. extracting forceps, root elevators, dental mirrors, rigid and flexible endoscopes etc.)
Alprozyme Equipment cleaner package Details :
Pack of 100 sachets – 10 Gram Powder scahet |
Alprozyme Powder Efficacy :
Alprozyme has exceptional efficacy. Provides high staff protection (TRBA 250),
1-Cleaning (at .5% Concentration ) : one sachet + 2 litre hot water .
Removes proteins ,fat, residues of tissues as well as biofilms in addition other debris .
2-Virucidal (at 1 % Concentration ) : one sachet + 1 litre hot water .
virucidal according to EN 16777 against non-enveloped adeno, Noro and Parvo-viruses as well as all enveloped blood-borne viruses e. g. HBV, HCV, HIV and Influenza at 1 % concentration before comprehensive disinfection.
For optimal pre-treatment ( bactericidal and virucidal): used In combination with BIB forte eco check here the link .
Alprozyme powder used in :
Suitable for use in Soaking baths (15-30-minute contact time) as well as in Ultrasonic cleaners (5-15 minute contact time).
AlproZyme Equipment Cleaner used for :
1-Medical and Dental instruments processing
2-Blood & Body fluids contact Equipments
3-Rotating precision instruments
5-Aspirators and others .
Alprozyme Granules Features:
- Powerful removal of protein and tissues.
- Tested according to ISO/TC 198/WG 13 chap.6.2
- Alkaline – Enzymatic dual-action.
- For use in soaking baths and Ultrasonics in addition to thermal washer .
- Will clean dental burs easily and thoroughly.
- Pack of 100 sachets , each sachet is 10 gm , so it is costless and economic .
- Great cleaning performance in addition , it has a great disinfection performance too .
- Removes blood and other protein- containing body fluids
- Biofilm Removal .
- Non Foaming , so it is designed as a pre-autoclave or pre-automated system cleaner .
- Non Corrosive , so it is safe on all materials
How to use Alprozyme powder granules sachet ?
For use in soaking bath or ultrasonic cleaner 1 bag (10 g AlproZyme) to be mixed with 1.75 to 2 litres warm water (20 – 30°C).
For thermal washers use a 0.5 % solution (e. g. 1 bag for 2 litres – furthermore you can see instructions of your thermal washer).
Contact time:
- 15 – 30 minutes in soaking bath (20 – 30°C)
- 5 – 15 minutes in ultrasonic cleaner (20 – 40°C)
- Maximum contact time: 60 minutes
Alprozyme Granules Composition :
Phosphates, tensides , parabenes and defoaming agents and stabilizers lastly the coated enzymes .
IMPORTANT NOTES FOR Alprozyme Equipment Cleaner :
First , AlproZymes Powder must be activated by hot water
to dissolve the coating .Second ,Alprozyme protease enzymes are compatible with PH up to 11 because its specific formula .
Precleaning :
1-firstly ,Precleaning helps effective disinfection and sterilization .
2-secondly , Precleaning is a critical step in inhibiting biofilm build-up , so do not ignore it .
Precleaning can be done by :
water and detergent or water and enzymatic cleaner
Problems with non-enzymatic detergents :
First : A detergent needs mechanical force ( friction, scrubbing and brushing)
Second : wet towels or gel sprays are less likely to protect instrumentation
when delays over two hours which are more common in daily processing .
Wet towels and gel sprays without enzymes cannot initiate
soil breakdown and cannot limit biofilm formation .
You can check for more information about the good practice of Alprozyme granules through the following link :
First :- AURA infection control .
Cleaning then disinfection ,finally sterilization process .
Again do not ignore the three following steps for better infection control .
I would like to enquire about the following product:
Formula specific features
Formula Features
1-Powder Granules
Activated when diluted by warm water.
2-Alkaline PH
Alkaline PH good for soil decontamination.
3-Enzymes waxed ( Coated )
To avoid enzymes eating each others
Used by
1- manually by Soaking Bath method ( manual Soaking Tray )
2- mechanically by Ultrasonic devices & Washer-disinfectors.
Active ingredient basis
Coated Enzymes ( Protease action )
Tensides ( Fat dissolving )
Defoaming agents
Cleaning (at .5% Concentration .) ( 1/2 sachet in 1 litre of water )
Removes proteins,fat, residues of tissues, biofilm etc.
Virucidal (at 1 % Concentration . ) ( 1 sachet in 1 litre of water )
Non-enveloped as well as all Enveloped.
Optimal pre-treatmen ( bactericidal and virucidal)
when used in combination with BIB-FORTE solution ( check products for it )
- great cleaning performance
- removes blood and other protein- containing body fluids
- removes biofilm