Alpron-For-Dental waterlines
Daily Decontamination of Dental Unit Waterlines :
The Alpron solution has been designed to remove the biofilm build-up in dental units, plus is an ongoing treatment preventing regrowth and hence ensuring drinking quality water from the unit.
How to use Alpron Solution :
Mixing Alpron to 1% solution , Alpron is used at a 1% concentration to maintain the cleanliness of waterlines .
For example, to make 5 Litres of mixed 1% Alpron solution, mix 50mls of Alpron with 4950mls of potable water (Tap or distilled).
Daily Flushing By Alpron Solution :
Alpron must be flushed through the lines regularly to ensure it is fresh in the lines.
Flush 1 minute morning and night and 30 seconds between patients.
Alpron Efficacy :
It effectively protects against algae and lime deposits and prevents lime scale formation when warming water or after water has cool down.
BIOFILM formation prevention and Removal .
Bactericidal and Yeasticidal .
Unlike other products available there is no need to perform a weekly flush as the Alpron solution is used continually within the DUWLs which eliminates one less procedure for the dental team.
- Description
- Institutional Order (B2B)
- Presentation
- Video
- Characteristics
- Application and Dosage
- Composition
- Caution
- Sizes
- Scientific
Alpron for dental waterlines is a concentrated liquid for the continuous daily decontamination of water used in dental treatment centers including instrumentations and the tumbler filler .
When waterlines are found to be contaminated, you’ll need 2 different types of cleaners: shock and maintenance. First, a shock cleaner is used to remove accumulated materials. Then a maintenance cleaner is used to keep CFU levels below the recommended CDC standard. When searching for a dental waterline cleaner you’ll need to consider things such as effectiveness, ease-of-use, and cost.
Alpron for daily dental waterlines decontamination :
It effectively protects against algae and lime deposits and prevents lime scale formation when warming water or after water has cool down.
The product provides long lasting disinfecting effect against bacteria and fungi.
Alpron is physiologically and ecologically harmless.
BIOFILM formation prevention and removal .
Bactericidal and Yeasticidal .
Alpron prevents the sedimentation of lime and deposits.
Alpron reduces germ load and prevents the regrowth of germs.
How to use Alpron – Mixing Alpron to 1% solution :
Alpron is used at a 1% concentration to maintain the cleanliness of waterlines. Store the mixed Alpron in the Alpron Storage Container or another suitable opaque container. Moreover, You can use distilled or if unavailable portable tab water to mix the Alpron solution.
Daily Flushing OF ALPRON :
Alpron must be flushed through the lines regularly to ensure it is fresh in the lines. Flush 1 minute morning and night and 30 seconds between patients. Minimum requirements apply to each outlet including those not routinely used.
Microbial contamination of dental unit water appears widespread and extensive, and the organisms populating the water lines include many with pathogenic potential which can cause serious illness and death, especially when the immune systems are down”
The tiny dental water lines provide a large interior surface area combined with low flow rates and stagnation, two ideal conditions for the formation of a thin slime of microbes called “biofilm” on the interior surfaces of the dental lines. .
1-FIRST , Research indicates that the majority of the organisms originate in the municipal water system. Conventional municipal water treatment procedures are proving inadequate in dealing with a wide variety of these “super bugs”
2-The second source is known as the “suck back” effect, caused by imperfect anti-retraction valves in dental instruments, thus permitting the withdrawal or “suck back” of blood, saliva and other materials from a patient’s mouth into the waterline. Research studies have identified a wide range of bacteria resident in the biofilm which originated in patient’s mouths.
Legionella, the bacteria which cause Legionnaires’ disease, are present in dangerously high concentrations in the majority of dental chairs.
These bacteria are quick to take advantage when the immune system defenses are low, with immuno-compromised patients especially at risk. The bacteria found in dental water lines may cause significant infection in these individuals.
This dental water biofilm is an accumulation of dozens of types of microorganisms stacked and interwoven with each other in a cooperative ecosystem. Layer upon layer of these microbes grow on the inner surface of the dental water line until occasionally a “clump” breaks free and enters the patient’s, and
I would like to enquire about the following product:
Non corrosive
Free from silver nitrate
Free from hydrogen peroxides
Free from Iodine
( very good compatibility with materials)
ALdehyde free
Mint Flavor
Application and Dosage
1-With Internal dosage device
Fill container with undiluted ALPRON and adjust.
2-With EXTERNAL dosage device
Mix ALPRON at 1% ( 10 ML ALPRON +990 ML WATER )
1 litre from ALPRON make 100 litre after dilution
PHMB ( Biguanide )
Tosylchloramide sodium
very safe
ALPRON can come in contact with patient
mint flavor .
1 Liter Bottle( concentrated )
used at 1 % concentration
Institut Heppeler, Lörrach, phys. + ökolog. Verträglichkeit, 1997-10 Prof. Dr. H.-P. Werner, HygCen, Schwerin Zytotoxizitätsprüfung 2012-11 Dr. F. H. H. Brill, Hamburg, Desinfektion EN 13623, EuAB 5.1.3, 2019-05